A PEtALS domain. Each member share its data and
communicate with other members.
The JNDI directory shared among the PEtALS
domain. If
not declared, the internal PEtALS
JNDI directory is used. If you
want to connect
the PEtALS domain to an external JNDI directory,
specify the the JNDI parameters. Refer to JNDI
specifications for
more details.
Define the registry implementation to use on the
domain. If no value is set, the registry implementation is
selected from the classloader. This property aims to select a registry
implementation when several are available on the classloader.
Define a PEtALS node. It contains the definition
of security, management and communication
Several domain modes are available.
The 'static' domain accepts only the nodes defined in the domain
part of the topology. Each node of the domain must have the same
topology definition.
The 'dynamic' domain is an evolution of the 'static' domain in
which nodes can be attached or detached without requiring a restart of
all domain nodes.
Define the IP address or host name of the container.
Define the user to be used for JMX clients.
Define the password to be used for JMX clients.
Define the JMX required ports.
Define the Transport required port. Do not declare
this tag over a standalone topology (ie.containing only one node).
The PEtALS topology. It contains information about the
resources and configurations required by your PEtALS
nodes. PEtALS
node local setting are defined independently
in the file