# # Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Linagora # # This program/library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program/library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program/library; If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ # for the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # ############################################################################## #### Dedicated commands to monitor a Petals BC SOAP #### #### ( Christophe DENEUX - Linagora ) #### ############################################################################## # # Monitoring of the current allocated threads of the HTTP server thread pools # define command{ command_name petals_bcsoap_httpthreadpool_currentallocatedthreads command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_petals_bcsoap -h '$HOSTADDRESS$' -n '$_HOSTJMXPORT$' -u '$_HOSTJMXUSER$' -p '$_HOSTJMXPASSWORD$' --http-thread-pool-current-allocated-threads -i '$ARG1$' -w '$ARG2$' -c '$ARG3$' } # Define a service to check the HTTP Thread pool of the Petals BC SOAP against the current # allocated thread number. # According to default value: Warning if > 40, critical if > 45. define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name petals-esb service_description BC SOAP - HTTP Server - Current allocated threads display_name Petals BC SOAP - HTTP Thread Pool - Current allocated thread check_command petals_bcsoap_httpthreadpool_currentallocatedthreads!petals-bc-soap!40!45 servicegroups petals-services contact_groups petals-esb } # # Monitoring of the current web-service client pool of a service operation # define command{ command_name petals_bcsoap_ws-client-pool command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_petals_bcsoap -h '$HOSTADDRESS$' -n '$_HOSTJMXPORT$' -u '$_HOSTJMXUSER$' -p '$_HOSTJMXPASSWORD$' --outgoing_ws_clients -i '$ARG1$' -o '$ARG2$' -w '$ARG3$' -c '$ARG4$' } # Define a service to check the web-service client pool of a service operation. # According to default value: Warning if > 40, critical if > 45. define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name petals-esb service_description BC SOAP - Web-service client pool: {http://esb.mediation.archi.acoss.fr/services/echo/1.0}echoOperation@ display_name Petals BC SOAP - Web-service client pool: {http://esb.mediation.archi.acoss.fr/services/echo/1.0}echoOperation@ check_command petals_bcsoap_ws-client-pool!petals-bc-soap!{http://esb.mediation.archi.acoss.fr/services/echo/1.0}echoOperation@!40!45 servicegroups petals-services contact_groups petals-esb } # # Monitoring of the current message exchange acceptor thread # define command{ command_name petals_bcsoap_mex_current_acceptor_threads command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_petals_bcsoap -h '$HOSTADDRESS$' -n '$_HOSTJMXPORT$' -u '$_HOSTJMXUSER$' -p '$_HOSTJMXPASSWORD$' --mex_current_acceptor_threads -i '$ARG1$' -w '$ARG2$' -c '$ARG3$' } # Define a service to check the message exchange acceptor thread pool. # According to default value: Warning if < 3, critical if < 2. define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name petals-esb service_description BC SOAP - Current MEX acceptor threads display_name Petals BC SOAP - Message exchange acceptor thread pool check_command petals_bcsoap_mex_current_acceptor_threads!petals-bc-soap!3!2 servicegroups petals-services contact_groups petals-esb } # # Monitoring of the current message exchange processors # define command{ command_name petals_bcsoap_mex_current_processor_objects command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_petals_bcsoap -h '$HOSTADDRESS$' -n '$_HOSTJMXPORT$' -u '$_HOSTJMXUSER$' -p '$_HOSTJMXPASSWORD$' --mex_current_processor_objects -i '$ARG1$' -w '$ARG2$' -c '$ARG3$' } # Define a service to check the message exchange processor objects. # According to default value: Warning if > 40, critical if > 45. define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name petals-esb service_description BC SOAP - Current MEX processor objects display_name Petals BC SOAP - Message exchange processor object pool check_command petals_bcsoap_mex_current_processor_objects!petals-bc-soap!40!45 servicegroups petals-services contact_groups petals-esb } # # Monitoring of the current message exchange processor threads # define command{ command_name petals_bcsoap_mex_current_processor_threads command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_petals_bcsoap -h '$HOSTADDRESS$' -n '$_HOSTJMXPORT$' -u '$_HOSTJMXUSER$' -p '$_HOSTJMXPASSWORD$' --mex_current_processor_threads -i '$ARG1$' -w '$ARG2$' -c '$ARG3$' } # Define a service to check the message exchange processor thread pool. # According to default value: Warning if > 40, critical if > 45. define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name petals-esb service_description BC SOAP - Current MEX processor threads display_name Petals BC SOAP - Message exchange processor thread pool check_command petals_bcsoap_mex_current_processor_threads!petals-bc-soap!40!45 servicegroups petals-services contact_groups petals-esb }